What's in a Name?

Published on 17 October 2024 at 14:29

Who knew that choosing a company name was going to be so difficult?

I met with my team a couple of days ago and we spent four hours just talking. Talking about the company. Talking about where we wanted to go with it. Talking about goals. Talking about the "big dreams". Talking about vision. And one of the most important things for a new company... talking about a name... for HOURS! I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to call this baby of mine, but as we spoke, and I got to know this thing that we were creating, it began to take on a bit of a new shape and my original thoughts didn't seem to fit anymore. We settled on a "Top 10" list. As I mulled it over, I kept coming back to two or three names... and they weren't what I imagined! If you haven't guessed yet, I settled on "Aeris"! It's pronounced "AIR-ess" (like "heiress") and it means "air" or "atmosphere"; Often associated with a light, airy, and ethereal quality; Aeris encapsulates the essence of movement, change, and boundless potential. I feel that this name is pretty much spot-on with what I envision for this company. What are your thoughts? Is there a name or an aviation term that speaks to you?

Now that we've pretty much settled on a name, it's on to designing a logo! Stay tuned!  ;-)

<3 always,


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Carol Jannusch
3 months ago

When we were with you a couple of weeks ago, it was fun to talk to you about this venture and see how excited you were to find this group to work with. You didn't share any names at that point, but Aeris seems perfect, tying the aviation aspect and the feeling you want in clothing. I love it.